Out of Order
June 4, 2023 Speaker: Don Ringman Series: 1 Corinthians | Life as Believers
Topic: New Testament Passage: 1 Corinthians 4:18– 5:13
In the closing verses of chapter 4, Paul brings attention to the Corinthian Christians that, in all their wisdom, some have become arrogant in their faith. Their arrogance is rooted in talk and not in their lives reflecting God's power. He is alluding to the phrase "The kingdom of God is to be lived, not just discussed," so if you know the right words ... live them out.
As Paul moves into chapter 5, he begins to answer more questions and point out disorder in the church that is not only sin, but flagrant sins that are purposely overlooked and ignored by the brothers themselves. Paul brings a prescription for discipline that is not judgment; rather, it is correction that should be a last resort. But here, this public immoral behavior needs to be removed.
Paul is applying standards that he himself is willing to follow without hypocritical judgment being part of it. Church discipline is to be carried out in an attitude of restoration and not condemnation; it is done for the good of the church and the good of the sinner. — Pastor Don
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