Hope in Honduras: Nueva Esperanza
LATEST NEWS — You know how you can get your own brick at a new construction project by donating funds? Well, here's an awesome virtual opportunity to do something similar — and help Nueva Esperanza take down some bricks! The project will link two separate portions of its ever-expanding campus, making transitions much safer for the children (and much less stressful for staff).
As Nueva Esperanza celebrates its 30th anniversary, this project is just the latest example of how God has blessed their ministry efforts in ways large and small. Learn more about their ministry below and claim your blue square HERE!
"Endeavoring permanent and holistic change in poverty stricken Hondurans through scripturally based compassion."
Nueva Esperanza is translated into English as "New Hope". Nueva Esperanza’s ministry is to provide new hope for children from families who cannot properly care for their small children. The majority of Hondurans are very poor and many struggle with single parenting, drug and alcohol addiction, spousal abuse and much more. Often the necessity to work leaves mothers with only two options. She must either leave her children at home by themselves or place them in an orphanage. Nueva Esperanza provides an alternative by offering daily care to meet their physical needs. These include food, clothing, medical attention and education. By providing care for these children, Nueva Esperanza attempts to minister to Hondurans in such a way as to reflect the passage in Matthew that reads:
For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me ... inasmuch as you did it to the least one of these, you did it to Me. Matthew 25: 35-40
A familiar passage in Proverbs reads “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). An important part of the ministry of Nueva Esperanza is to present and teach the Gospel of Christ to each child. The children participate in daily devotions, chapel services, and prayer times with the staff. It is here that we believe we are laying the groundwork for discipleship, and that in the future these children will be able to make a difference in the cause of Christ.
In short, Nueva Esperanza’s philosophy of ministry is a unique blend of scriptural-based compassion and evangelism. The children are our mission. It is our prayer that the knowledge of God’s infinite love, coupled with the demonstration of God’s limitless care through the meeting of their physical needs, will truly give these children New Hope ... Nueva Esperanza!
Over time, Nueva Esperanza has discovered that in order to more successfully affect permanent change in the children, change must take place in the family as well. As the ministry continues to expand, opportunities like weekly Bible studies, special training workshops and special evangelical outreaches are offered to the mothers or other caregivers in the family. These educational opportunities continue to show promising results.
Barbara Barahona came to Honduras in 1992 and became the founder of what is now Nueva Esperanza, Inc. There she met and married Carlos Barahona and since that time they have worked together serving God in ministry to the poverty stricken of families of Honduras. Carlos was raised in an orphanage near Tegucigalpa, Honduras, which has granted him the compassion and desire to make a difference in the lives of poor Honduran children. Carlos and Barbara also have four children of their own.
Port Gardner Community Church has committed giving out of our incoming tithes to Nueva Esperanza’s General Fund. The General Fund is used to operate the center, covering costs such as electric, water, classroom furniture, transportation, and general building maintenance. We entrust Nueva Esperanza to direct these funds elsewhere within the mission to where they are needed most, such as the Barahona Support Fund, High School Scholarship Fund, or Building Fund.
You can get involved by making a personal commitment to sponsoring a child or giving directly to Nueva Esperanza. We encourage you commit to a child’s sponsorship individually, with a partner, or with your tribe. Please talk to a PGCC elder or Missions Task Force member for assistance in arranging a partnership.
Port Gardner Community Church also envisions short term missions trips and other opportunities to serve Nueva Esperanza in the future. We’re excited to form a lasting relationship and share in expanding God’s Kingdom in Honduras!
Sponsor a Child
For each child enrolled in Nueva Esperanza, two $30 a month sponsorships are required
Daily Care Sponsor
A sponsorship of $30 per month is needed to cover the cost of daily care for each child. This allows them to attend Nueva Esperanza Monday through Friday so that their parent(s) can find employment without having to leave the child to fend for themselves all day long. At the Center children receive daily loving care, nourishing food, clothing, medical attention, educational classes, and Spiritual training. The goal is to show the children the love of Christ while meeting their physical needs.
Educational Sponsor
A sponsorship of $30 per month is needed to cover the cost of supplemental education for each child. Education is a vital part of the solution to the poverty that faces the country of Honduras. Public schools in Honduras are scheduled to have classes for four hours a day five days a week; although on the average the children only receive about 12 hours of classes a week in an overcrowded classroom without sufficient educational materials. Therefore, the children attend the public school on the days and hours that they have classes and come to Nueva Esperanza the rest of the time. Nueva Esperanza provides classes for the children with a maximum of 15 students per teacher. It supplements the education of the child by providing textbooks, educational resources and teachers for each age level to teach classes.
Sponsorship Checks should be sent directly to Nueva Esperanza’s U.S. office
Nueva Esperanza | 3695 Rt. 84 E. | Kingsville, OH , 44048
Visit Nueva Esperanza on the web for more information: hopeinhonduras.org