We meet Sundays at 10a. Live stream available via YouTube.

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Truth. Community. Purpose.

SUNDAYS at 10a

2427 Lombard Ave
Everett, WA 98201

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Becoming a new person


Real change can only come from becoming a new person – a transformation from within. It is about becoming a new person in Jesus Christ. We explore how in a 3-part short sermon series to begin the new year....

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Words of Wisdom series

Words of Wisdom Series Introduction to 1 and 2 Timothy This week we begin a new year and a new series. This new year will have many challenges and the best way to start is to hit the ground running. We will be looking at these two letters from the Apostle Paul which include words of wisdom from a seasoned preacher to a young new preacher (Timothy), facing incredible pres...

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Advent 2023


This Sunday signals the beginning of the Advent season, celebrating the arrival of Jesus the Christ into the world. Christ brought salvation, unity and Hope to a world that cried out to God, in desperation and need. Advent is a time to examine Prophecy, Preparation, Joy, Love, and Hope as we walk with Jesus every day. With Christ as the light of the world, we live with e...

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Wrapping Up 1 Corinthians & What's Next


We've wrapped up our series in 1 Corinthians, now well be preaching four stand-alone sermons as we gear up for Advent. Join us!...

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'Women of Wisdom' Starting Back Up


Ladies, join us for our second half — a five-week study in the book of Proverbs. Our study will be guided by 'Woman of Wisdom' by Myrna Alexander. Study kicks off on Thursday, September 14....

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The Hymns Project by Michael McGee


We're excited to announce that our own Music Pastor, Michael McGee has just released an acoustic album of hymns and worship songs. This is a great way to support Mike and PGCC. Find out more info here....

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Woman of Wisdom


Ladies, join us in our newest Bible Study series in the book of Proverbs. We will be working through 'Woman of Wisdom' by Myrna Alexander for this five-week study. Join us!...

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Life as Believers


This week we will begin our series through 1 Corinthians. This letter from Paul is a response to some serious questions from the church concerning their environment — one which was surrounded by corruption and every conceivable sin, to which they were being pressured to adapt....

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Journey to Jerusalem


In the weeks leading up to Easter we'll read from Luke 9:51-21:38 in a series entitled 'Journey to Jerusalem'. This will take us through some highlights in Jesus' ministry that will not only prepare his disciples for the fulfillment of prophecy through the cross, but also teach what they are to do afterwards. ...

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New Year. New Series. Same Jesus.


Colossians 2:9-10 — For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority....

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