Wisdom From God
April 23, 2023 Speaker: Don Ringman Series: 1 Corinthians | Life as Believers
Topic: New Testament Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:18–31
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Last week we opened our series in Corinthians by looking briefly at its structure. One thing we saw was that Paul approaches questions from the church in a topical order. This week Paul's topic is wisdom, wisdom that does not come from the world, but sometimes comes from living in the world.
One old saying I heard from a retired ministry worker: "Too late, too smart... Too soon, too dumb."
Paul summarizes Isaiah 29:14 to emphasize a point Jesus often made, which is that "God's way of thinking is not like the world's way" — normal human wisdom. This may sound like a redundant statement to some but how often do we need to hear it? A lot!
Another statement that helps is "God is God and we are not."
In the New Testament times, and even now with the Good News of Jesus Christ, some still say it is foolishness and find it to be a stumbling block. Often this is based on a human decision of who the Messiah was going to be and what he came to accomplish.
Jesus did not come as a conquering king but as a Savior who was taken prisoner and crucified on the cross on our behalf, rising from the dead and beating death itself. The wisdom of the world worships power, influence, and wealth. But as believers, knowing Jesus Christ personally is the greatest wisdom anyone could have. — Pastor Don

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