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January 26, 2025 Speaker: Don Ringman Series: Practical Advice for Christian Living

Topic: New Testament


This week we begin a new series, "Practical Advice for Christian Living," by opening to 1 Thessalonians with some background and encouragement to a young church.
Nearly all new believers have questions about their faith; and as a seasoned minister and missionary, Paul knew this. For this reason Paul sent Timothy back shortly after establishing the church there after only a four-week visit with three Sabbath preaching days in the synagogue. The gospel preached was a great success, not just among the Jews but with the Gentiles, God-fearing Greeks.
This first letter to the Thessalonians gives us an intimate introduction to how Paul mentored young believers in rich doctrine, taught them to apply what they learned, and accurately described the salvation that strengthened their faith and gave them assurance of Christ's return.
One key verse is found in 4:14, which should strum the chords of every believer's heart strings: "We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him."

Pastor Don


More in Practical Advice for Christian Living

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Living in truth and with boldness

February 2, 2025

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