Words of Wisdom series
Words of Wisdom Series
Introduction to 1 and 2 Timothy
This week we begin a new year and a new series. This new year will have many challenges and the best way to start is to hit the ground running. We will be looking at these two letters from the Apostle Paul which include words of wisdom from a seasoned preacher to a young new preacher (Timothy), facing incredible pressure from false teachers in changing times, and a changing world.
Paul's advice is critical for effective leadership no matter how the world changes because all scripture is breathed out by God, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
As a body of believers pray for each other as we: Continue to gather in worship and study, Help physically to assist those in the flock, and Support local and world missions prayerfully and monetarily. These may seem like simple goals for the church this year but great things can come from humble beginnings. Hope to see you soon.
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