New Series | JOHN: That You May Believe

We have this in common as people: We are made in the image of God. As people made in the image of God, we have legitimate longings and desires. Something within us senses that we were made for more than this. We long for life as God intended it to be. Many, in seeking to satisfy those longings and desires, drift down a path that leaves them wounded, disappointed, broken, disillusioned, confused, or bored. Our longings and desires can lead us into disaster because we're seeking to satisfy them with the things of this world.
John writes in his gospel: "These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, and in believing, you may have life in His name." — *NASB, John 20:31
In other words, the only way to ultimately satisfy these legitimate longings and desires is to satisfy them in Jesus. Today you may be happy, joyful, on top of the world. But then again, maybe not. Maybe today is full of confusion or hurt or pain or disappointment or struggle or loneliness or anxiety. Something deep within you cries out to God, “Surely this isn't the way it was supposed to be?”
John offers us what our soul truly needs—that we might understand, that we might believe, that we might find life. Our prayer over the next weeks and months is that our hearts and eyes will be opened to see and understand and believe things we've maybe never really seen or understood before, and in believing, we might find life in His name.
We are grateful to Dr. Bryan Clark, Pastor at Lincoln Berean Church, Lincoln Nebraska, for the permission to use his study notes and material for the That You May Believe series.
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